Menopause and Sleep Disorders
This course is written as a broad overview of the relationship between menopause and sleep disorders, and the course provides clarity in the relationship of the stages of menopause.
This course is written as a broad overview of the relationship between menopause and sleep disorders, and the course provides clarity in the relationship of the stages of menopause.
Dr. Rasmus identifies common issues with mask use and PAP in general and provides logical solutions for the sleep technologist and DME provider which will result in improved adherence.
This course provides the participant with an understanding of bruxism as a primary sleep disorder, as well as an anomaly during waking hours.
This course reviews 3 conditions that fall into this category: Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) and Erectile Dysfunction (ED), as well as discussion of the relationship to Atrial Fibrillation (AFib).
This course focuses on the impact of cultural and social perceptions of the elderly which results in abuse and/or neglect.
If we demonstrate competence in a certain area, we are demonstrating that we can perform that skill effectively. So why conduct competency testing in health care?
This course is an interview between leaders in the field of sleep education and one physician-owner of a sleep-related medical practice, sleep lab and DME company.
This course explores those “applicable” laws and regulations and helps the healthcare organizations prepare to meet those requirements through an effective audit process.
The course finishes with a discussion of the process that is most effective for a successful audit prior to claim submission.
This course discusses the issues of co-morbid insomnia disorders and the use of behavioral sleep medicine as an effective treatment modality.