Artificial Intelligence and Population Management
In this presentation the attendee will learn how AI defines population management
In this presentation the attendee will learn how AI defines population management
At times it is impossible to fall asleep. And healthy sleep results in a healthy lifestyle. So, what are some of the methods we can use to improve sleep? Brigham and Women’s Hospital has suggested 12 steps to improve sleep hygiene, even in the face of our highly challenging lifestyles.
This course discusses the various types of consumer sleep technologies, categorizes them into types generating similar outcomes, and discusses the clinical significance of their use.
This course provides the learner with a foundational understanding of normal adult cardiac anatomy, physiology, and the pathophysiology of Coronary Heart Disease, (also known as Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)) and Heart Failure (HF) to prepare for both the RPSGT and CCSH exams.
This course reviews the potential for sleep disorders in women during pregnancy caused by either pregnancy or an untreated sleep disorder prior to becoming pregnant.
This course discusses the effect of weight on Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) as well as body position during sleep and its effects on OSA.
NEW SLEEPEDU.ORG POLICY – EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY Sleepedu has been serving our sleep community for over 10 years with quality educational products, allowing our students to choose courses approved by AARC, AAST, BRPT and CSRT (Canada). After careful analysis of our data over the past 10 years, it has become evident that our AAST and BRPT…
Course Information Category: CEU Price: $15.99 BRPT CREDIT: 1.0 Course Hour CSTE Purchase includes Downloadable PDF and access to online test. Course LinksClick the course type below to register for the course:BRPT Approved CourseREGISTER ONLINE Course Description This course provides the learner with a foundational understanding of cardio-pulmonary physiology, and the pathophysiology of respiratory failure to…
Course Information Category: CEU Price: $15.99 BRPT Credit: 1.0 CSTE Purchase includes Downloadable PDF and access to online test. Course LinksClick the course type below to register for the course:BRPT Approved CourseREGISTER ONLINE Course Description One of the most essential elements in managing a quality sleep business is a commitment to the implementation of an effective Performance…
This course will first review normal adult cardiac anatomy and physiology.