Insufficient Sleep or Sleep disorders (apnea, insomnia, snoring) are considered a Public Health Problem according to the CDC (Center for Disease Control). Why?
“Unintentionally falling asleep, nodding off while driving, and having difficulty performing daily tasks because of sleepiness all may contribute to these hazardous outcomes. Persons experiencing sleep insufficiency are also more likely to suffer from chronic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, depression, and obesity, as well as from cancer, increased mortality, and reduced quality of life and productivity.” -CDC
In fact, the National Department of Transportation estimates drowsy driving to be responsible for 1,550 fatalities and 40,000 nonfatal injuries annually in the United States.
There were no significant differences across groups in gender or race/ethnicity, but studies show that all age groups are affected by various sleep disorders. Sleep deprivation for various reasons affect people of all ages:
- Over 2 million children suffer from sleep disorders, estimating that 30-40% experience some degree of sleep deprivation. (SleepMed)
- 30% of adults experience short term insomnia and chronic insomnia by 10% (ASA)
- 9-21% of women have obstructive sleep apnea (ASA)
- 24-31% of men have obstructive sleep apnea (ASA)
- 37% of 20-39 year-olds report short sleep duration (ASA)
- 40% of 40-59 year-olds report short sleep duration (ASA)
- A study of adults over 65 found that 13 percent of men and 36 percent of women take more than 30 minutes to fall asleep. (SleepEducation)

Sleep deprivation also impairs the immune system, thus they are more susceptible to infections, disease, and or slower healing after surgery or other medical procedures. Hence, its imperative for doctors and medical staff to diagnose and address any sleep impairments of their patients. Because of the prevalence and the importance of sleep for our patients of all ages, (managed by Sleep Education Partners) have provided the “Sleep Across the Age Continuum” package.
Healthy and disordered sleep should be evaluated with appropriate interventions when sleep disorders are identified. More importantly, sleep disorders span the entire age spectrum from the newborn to the octogenarian. A five-course series explores sleep across the age continuum, causes for abnormalities and appropriate interventions. Those courses contained in the series are as follows:
- A Gift of Sleep For the Preschooler: This online course is approved by AARC, AAST, BRPT and CSRT and provides 1.0 Course Hour. The class will provide the following: (1) Correlate the changes in sleep-wake schedule of the preschool child with expected behavioral changes reflective of restorative sleep; (2) Recognize the specific activity that occurs during sleep in the toddler as they transition into pre-school age; (3) Identify the signs and symptoms of insufficient sleep; (4) Correlate the impact of inadequate sleep on health and safety; (5)Identify sleep tips to integrate to obtain a regular sleep schedule.
- The Connection between Childhood Disordered Breathing and ADHD: This online course is approved by AARC, AAST, BRPT and CSRT and provides 1.0 Course Hour. The overall objective of this course is to provide the participant with an understanding of sleep disorders and daytime sleepiness in children with attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD), the associated cognitive changes of the sleep disorder, and the underlying cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. A discussion about the impact on quality of life will be provided to further the understanding for the participant of the need for assessment and treatment of pediatric sleep disruption. The participant will be able to describe the most common treatment modalities, and how to assess the most appropriate therapy.
- The Gift of Sleep for Parents and Child: This online course is approved by AARC, AAST, BRPT and CSRT and provides 1.0 Course Hour. This course will review the following: (1) Correlate the changes in sleep-wake scheduled of the developing newborn through the school-age child with expected behavioral changes reflective of restorative sleep; (2) Recognize the specific changes with sleep schedules from the newborn through the school-age child; (3) Correlate the developmental changes to changes in sleep patterns as they change with infant, toddler and preschooler; (4) Identify the signs and symptoms of insufficient sleep; (5) Organize a discussion with parents regarding the indicators of a child at risk due to insufficient sleep.
- Is There Anything Normal About Teen and Adolescent Sleep? This online course is approved by AARC, AAST, BRPT and CSRT and provides 1.0 Course Hour. This course will review the following: (1) Correlate the changes in sleep-wake schedule of the teenager and adolescent with expected behavioral changes reflective of restorative sleep; (2) Recognize the specific activity that occurs during sleep in the teenage years with transition into adolescence; (3) Identify the signs and symptoms of insufficient sleep; (4) Correlate the impact of inadequate sleep on health and safety Identify sleep tips to integrate to obtain a regular sleep schedule.
- How Sleep in the Golden Years Changes: This online course is approved by AARC, AAST, BRPT and CSRT and provides 1.0 Course Hour. The course objectives are the following: (1) Correlate the changes in sleep-wake schedule of the older adult with expected behavioral changes reflective of restorative sleep; (2) Recognize the specific sleep disorders that occur to rob seniors of their sleep; (3) Identify the signs and symptoms of insufficient sleep; (4) Correlate the impact of inadequate sleep on health and personal safety; (5) Identify sleep tips to integrate to promote improved sleep quality.
Discounted Summer Package Price
We are offering a special package price that includes all of the above five course for a special price this Summer (expires August 31, 2017). To learn more:
- CSRT Approved – The Gift of Sleep Package
- AAST Approved – The Gift of Sleep Package
- AARC Approved – The Gift of Sleep Package
- BRPT Approved – The Gift of Sleep Package