Don’t Procrastinate when it comes to your Continuing Education Credits
“Never put off for tomorrow, what you can do today.” – Thomas Jefferson
As Fall approaches, this is the time of the year for young ones, from preschooler to college students, to return to serious learning when the Fall semester begins in late August or early September. While many young ones dread leaving the lazy days of Summer behind and return to school, many parents look forward to their increased freedom and resulting quiet and productivity. Although, young and old, regardless of your position or chosen career, you never stop learning.
“Never stop learning because life never stops teaching.”
This is especially true for medical personnel, specifically Respiratory Therapists and Sleep Technicians, who need an average of 10-20 continuing education credits per year. With the hectic schedule of maintaining a fine balance between work and life, many either put it off or forget their continuing education until the deadline at the end of year approaches. But did you know that procrastination can adversely affect your learning and retention?
“Some online learners may abide by the old adage: ‘why put off to tomorrow what you can do today’. Procrastination has a variety of far-reaching effects. It can decrease learner motivation, engagement, and participation, as well as hinder them from achieving their goals. Instead of being excited self-starters who give it their all, procrastinators hurry just before the deadline and never truly absorb the subject matter.” – eLearning Industry
Rather than wait to the last minute, take this time when the kids are back to school, Summer vacations have passed and prior to the holiday season starts (which is eight weeks away). Get started now! If you avoid the rush of procrastination, you can reduce your stress, get more out of your courses and fulfill your annual credits.
We can help! offers convenient and affordable online education with courses that are approved by AARC, BRPT, CSRT and AAST. Our courses are written by Sleep Medicine and Respiratory Care Industry Leaders, and are peer and/or physician reviewed. And the best part is that you can take our courses when and where is most convenient for you, as long as you have an internet connection.
“Back to School” Special on the CRCE Course Package 2017 (Approved by AARC)
To motivate you further, we have an additional savings on Special AARC Approved Course Package 2017. The discounted package price is $549.99 for 48 courses, through the end of the year, but for a limited time, we have further reduced the package price to $475.00. This is a savings of almost $300 (if you were to buy the courses individually)! This offer expires December 1, 2017. So don’t procrastinate, but purchase this package online and get started today. Our courses are simple to purchase, access and earn required credits. All you need is a credit/debit card and the desire to get continuing education credits.
Get started today:

Special AARC Approved Course Package 2017 – 48 Courses included:

- Abuse and Neglect of the Elderly What Sleep Professionals Need to Know
- Accreditation: A Vital Step to Becoming a Leader as a Sleep Medicine Provider
- An Understanding of COPD for the Sleep Medicine Professional
- Analyzing the EKG: Understanding Arrhythmias and Damage to the Heart
- Asthma and Obstructive Sleep Apnea: Identification, Understanding and Treatment
- Beginner’s Guide to Financial Statements
- Bridging Sleep Testing Diagnosis and Therapy into a Comprehensive Sleep Program
- Business Planning: A Process Used by Organizations to Succeed
- Child Abuse and Neglect
- CPAP and Oxygen – Matching Systems to Patient’s Needs
- Defining and Measuring Competency
- Disaster and Emergency Preparedness
- Diversity and Social injustice: Prevalence, Problems and Solutions
- DME National Competitive Bidding and its effect on your Sleep Program
- Falls Prevention
- Fraud Prevention and Compliance with Law and Regulation
- Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
- Infection Prevention and Control in Sleep Testing Facilities
- Integration of Home Sleep Testing to Enhance a Market Presence
- Keeping Employees Healthy and Safe
- Managing Your Time
- Modes of PAP Therapy
- Narcolepsy
- Obesity Hypoventilation Syndrome
- Oral Appliances: An Effective Alternative for Treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea
- OSHA Standards for Bloodborne Pathogens and Infectious Disease
- Overlap Syndrome (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease & Obstructive Sleep Apnea)
- Patient Education: Increasing Adherence with Therapy
- Performance Management: A Tool for All Organizations
- Prevention of Respiratory Complications with Sedation
- Pulmonary Function Testing PART I
- Recording Seizures in the Sleep Center
- Respiratory System Overview
- Sexual Harassment – Treating Each Other with Dignity and Respect
- Sleep across the Age Continuum: A Gift of Sleep For the Preschooler
- Sleep Across the Age Continuum: How Sleep in the Golden Years Changes
- Sleep Across the Age Continuum: Is There Anything Normal About Teen and Adolescent Sleep?
- Sleep Apnea Co-morbidities: Relationships with Obesity, Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease
- The Clinical Application of MSLT and MWT
- The Connection between Childhood Disordered Breathing and ADHD
- The Criminal Threat – Reasons and Remedies
- The Gift of Sleep for Parents and Child
- The Importance of Billing and Coding Correctly In the Sleep Center
- The Process of Effective Delegation
- Understanding Coronary Artery Disease and Heart Failure
- Understanding Respiratory Failure
- Understanding Sleep Apnea
If you have any questions, feel feel to browse our website or FAQ’s page. If you need further help, please contact us at [Phone: 859-469-6205] or [Email: [email protected]]. Our staff is more than happy to answer any question or help you with any technical issues.