Why choose SleepEdu.org for your continuing education needs? We provide certified, cost-effective and convenient continuing education courses, written by Sleep Medicine and Respiratory Care Industry Leaders which are peer and/or physician reviewed. Our continuing education courses for Sleep Technicians and Respiratory Therapists provide time-saving solutions that will equip the medical professionals to meet all state and federal certification requirements in the United States and Canada.
SleepEdu.org is continually working hard to improve your online education experience with well-crafted courses that offers beneficial and needed instruction to improve your patient care. This month, we have added a NEW course … “Non-Invasive Ventilation“, which we are excited to offer. And we are also featuring this month one of our most popular course, “CPAP and Oxygen- Matching Systems to Patient Needs“.
We invite you to take a look below for a full explanation of what each course has to offer as well as the different types of accreditation that are available with each. You will also find direct links for each course including pricing and purchasing information.
NEW COURSE: Non-invasive Ventilation Course

(NIV) refers to the administration of ventilatory support without the use of an endotracheal tube or tracheostomy tube. The use of NIV has markedly increased over the past two decades, successfully managing both acute and chronic respiratory failure. NIV has a place in the home as well as the intensive care unit, and is often the ventilation mode of choice in circumstances where management of invasive systems is undesirable. Its use in acute respiratory failure is well accepted and widespread, but its role the treatment of chronic respiratory failure is not clear and is currently undergoing further definition and clarification. This course briefly discusses:
- The history of NIV with specific emphasis on positive pressure ventilation
- Indications and specific disease states treated
- Application principles
- Specific equipment types and brands
- Modes of ventilation
- Patient, interfaces
- Predictors of successful outcomes
- Criteria for transition to invasive systems
For pricing information and/or to purchase our NIV course, simply click on the corresponding accredited courses below.
- CSRT Approved – Non-Invasive Ventilation
- AARC Approved – Non-Invasive Ventilation

FEATURED COURSE: CPAP and Oxygen – Matching Systems to Patient Needs
This course discusses the requirements and processes that effectively combine therapeutic interventions to treat both sleep disorders (primarily Obstructive Sleep Apnea – OSA) and pulmonary disease (primarily Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease – COPD). Patients that utilize both PAP and supplemental oxygen are discussed. This course also strives to educate both sleep and respiratory professionals in identifying those clinical manifestations that require the use of both therapies together. Understanding these issues and making the selection of the most appropriate supplier(s), equipment and supplies results in a linear process that is both efficient and effective. These decisions are best made when technical staff understand both the patient’s clinical requirements as well as patient preferences – which often leads to better adherence to therapy.
Titration of PAP pressures and oxygen concentrations and/or flows is critical to positive therapeutic outcomes. Methods of titration with clinical and laboratory indicators are also analyzed in this course. But the most important step in the process is educating and encouraging patients to comply with prescribed wearing times. Because this is a psychosocial issue, not all patients respond similarly, and adherence is dependent on basic underlying factors not easily understood by the technical professional. Therefore, in all cases, adherence must be measured, and patients held accountable when non-compliant. Therefore the best match of equipment may not always be equipment-specific, but may truly be a manifestation of the patient’s perception of its relative worth. These complex and important issues are also discussed therefore giving the technician the knowledge and understanding to successfully handle a large variety of situations and patient needs.
The overall objective of this course is to provide the participant with an understanding of the dual medical issues of a sleep disorder, usually OSA and an underlying pulmonary disease, usually COPD. A historical perspective is given so that the participant can have a better understanding of this type of patient. The participant will be able to describe the treatment modalities and how best to have a compliant care plan. For pricing information and/or to purchase, simply click on the corresponding accredited courses below.
- AARC Approved – CPAP and Oxygen – Matching Systems to Patient’s Needs
- BRPT Approved – CPAP and Oxygen – Matching Systems to Patient’s Needs
- CSRT Approved – CPAP and Oxygen – Matching Systems to Patient’s Needs
- AAST Approved – CPAP and Oxygen – Matching Systems to Patient’s Needs
Continue Your Education With SleepEdu.org
Why choose SleepEdu.org for your continuing education needs? We provide certified, cost-effective and convenient continuing education courses, written by Sleep Medicine and Respiratory Care Industry Leaders which are peer and/or physician reviewed. Our continuing education courses for Sleep Technicians and Respiratory Therapists provide time-saving solutions that will equip the medical professionals to meet all state and federal certification requirements in the United States and Canada.