PRESS RELEASE: New Educational Portal, Courses & Website
I. New Online Continuing Education System
II. New Website:
III. New courses for Respiratory Therapists & Sleep Technologists
Introducing our NEW Online Education Portal
We are excited to announce that as of November 19, 2018, we have updated our online education classroom portal to a new improved system which offers an easier to use, mobile-friendly, and responsive system. Our goal with our new comprehensive, intuitive learning system is to improve the overall online continuing education process for Sleep Technologists and Respiratory Therapists in the U.S. and Canada. Now our students can fulfill their required Continuing Education credit courses anytime, anywhere and on any device (desktop, tablet or smartphone).
With our new approved online continuing education classroom, it is easier for our users to find, explore, register, complete and receive certification for any of the 200+ courses in our catalog that are currently approved by:
- Courses Approved by the BRPT (Board of Registered Polysomnographic Technologists) for CSTE credits (sleep medicine)
- Courses Approved by the AARC (American Association for Respiratory Care) for CRCE credits (respiratory care)
- Courses Approved by the AAST (American Association of Sleep Technologists) for CEC credits (sleep medicine)
- Courses Approved by the CSRT (The Canadian Society of Respiratory Therapists) for CPD credits (respiratory therapy – Canada).
*For more info:
Introducing our New Website:
Meeting On-Line Educational Needs for Respiratory Therapists is pleased to announce the launch of a new on-line educational CEU program. The program is targeted to respiratory therapists working in hospitals, home care and sleep technology.
As practitioners, managers and administrators, we are faced with the growing need for education in the following areas:
- Individual growth and development
- State licensure CEU requirements
- Accreditation requirements
- Hospital and business mandatory education
About Continuing Education Courses
The courses offered through are intended to meet those needs, including clinical, business and organization-required topics.
The new launch is not intended to replace on-site education, but rather supplement it. Respiratory therapists may use the site for the following reasons:
- Finishing CEU requirements as they approach the end of their state-required timeframe
- As an alternative to attending expensive conferences
- Convenience of taking courses on their own time courses are approved by the American Association for Respiratory Care (AARC) and the Canadian Society of Respiratory Therapists (CSRT).
*For further information visit the website at or contact customer support at 859-469-6205.
Introducing our New Courses
- Alpha 1 Antitrypsin Deficiency: This course is a review of a genetic, hereditary disorder, Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency (Alpha-1). The review includes: definition of the genetics in general, the specific cause that leads to the disease outcomes in many that are affected, discussion of those diseases that present themselves as a result, current treatments and what could lie ahead. (Approved by AARC & CSRT)
- Business Planning: A Process Used by Organizations to Succeed: This course outlines and describes the components of an effective Business Plan. The course defines a business plan, and the most effective process in developing, implementing and assessing its achievements or failures. A simple format is used to develop and construct the business plan based on who must be involved, what type of analysis should be done, the tools that can be employed, engaging applicable employees and stakeholders, and implementing the plan and resultant changes to accomplish the Mission, Vision and Goals. (Approved by AARC & CSRT)
- Exercise Induced Bronchoconstruction: Exercise-induced bronchoconstriction (EIB) is a common problem in physically active persons and is most commonly found in persons who participate in endurance sports and sports that require high minute ventilation. EIB is defined as transient, reversible bronchoconstriction that happens during or after strenuous exercise, and can occur in persons with or without underlying asthma. This course discusses the disease state, prevalence, diagnostic techniques and treatment, and prevention modalities. (Approved by AARC, AAST, BRPT & CSRT)
- Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) PART I & PART II (2 Courses): This course will discuss definition/overview; diagnosis and initial assessment; evidence supporting prevention and maintenance of therapy; management of Stable COPD; management of exacerbations; and COPD and comorbidities. (Approved by AARC)
- Humidification with CPAP: Pathophisiology and Treatment Rationale: This course will review the physics of humidification; discuss the anatomy/physiology of the nose; and discuss the interplay between humidification, nasal symptoms and CPAP compliance. (Approved by AARC, AAST, BRPT & CSRT)
- Insomnia – Diagnosis & Treatment: This course will help the student gain a better understanding of the scope of insomnia in the general population; develop an understanding of the differential diagnosis of insomnia; understand the tenets of CBT-i for insomnia; better understand pharmacological agents in managing insomnia; and understand the utility of sleep diagnostic testing for those with insomnia. (Approved by AARC, AAST, BRPT & CSRT)
- Pulmonary Function Testing Part II: This course is designed to assist the health care practitioner with a basic understanding of the indications, testing processes and clinical significance of residual Volume (RV), Functional Residual Capacity (FRC) and airway resistance determinations. (Approved by AARC, AAST & CSRT)
- Restless Leg Syndrome: This course defines the clinical presentation of restless legs syndrome (RLS.) It includes a review of the differentiation of symptoms plus the diagnostic challenges, and therapeutic options required across different patient populations. (Approved by AARC, BRPT & CSRT)
- Role of the RCP in Homecare: This course provides a historical perspective of providing patient’s care in their homes. It examines the different types of services that comprise the general descriptor of “home care” as well as defining the roles for the myriad of licensed professionals and non-licensed individuals. It describes the historical, present and possibly future roles of the respiratory therapist in providing care for patients at home. The course is written using both reference materials relative to home care as well as story-telling from personal experience. (Approved by AARC, BRPT & CSRT)
- Shift Work Sleep Disorder: This course will define and explain the role of the circadian rhythm; define and describe the prevalence of SWSD; describe scheduling characteristics which may benefit and/or help the shift worker; describe long term health consequences associated w/ shift work; and describe management/treatment options for SWSD. (Approved by AARC, AAST, BRPT & CSRT)
- What’s Hot in OSA (Video Presentation): At the end of this course, the attendee will learn about new perspectives in the diagnosis and treatment of OSA, associated co-morbidities, impact on partner’s sleep, and effective treatment options such as auto PAP, and surgery. Psychosocial issues will be reviewed and travel with OSA will be discussed. Program run 47 minutes. (Approved by AARC, AAST, BRPT & CSRT)